Halo Alpha
Halo Alpha

Flamethrower in action

M7057 Defoliant Projector Flamethrower (PC/Mac Multiplayer Only)

 Rate of Fire  : N/A (12 fuel units per second)
 Damage per Hit: Very high
 Range         : Short to medium (as with many videogame 
 flamethrowers, it has an impractically short range) 
 Accuracy      : Low
 Magazine Size : 100 fuel units
 Maximum Ammo  : 700 fuel units (including fully loaded 


The Flamethrower can kill an enemy very quickly if used in close proximity, and the enemy continues to burn after they are hit with the flamethrower, sometimes causing them to die even if they run away. It is also stingy when using up fuel units, so protracted blasts of flame are sustainable on one fuel container. Finally, there is no need for accuracy when using the Flamethrower; merely pointing it in the enemy's direction will kill them in seconds.


Several things counterbalance the Flamethrower's high damage rate. Firstly, it reloads slowly, and is subject to overheating. Secondly, ammunition is often unavailable. Thirdly, the Flamethrower can damage its own user if one walks into the trail of flame left behind by the weapon. This lets the enemy run away while stopping the user from giving chase. If used at a distance, the Flamethrower takes longer to kill an enemy, and might not even damage them. Finally, the Flamethrower is very rare and there are only one or two of them per map, making them difficult to obtain.


The Defoliant Projector Flamethrower was inspired by a similar flamethrower from the Marathon series. The shark-like decal on it is borrowed from the game as well. In Marathon, however, it is featured on the rocket launcher.

Multiplayer Role

Using the Flamethrower in small spaces or in groups of enemies works best, and the trail of flame blinds snipers by producing a temporary smokescreen. It is especially effective if used to retreat by running backwards away from an enemy to leave a trail of flame, deterring would-be pursuers from giving chase to a wall of fire. This weapon can also take out groups of people in vehicles, provided they are close and moving relatively slowly. Effective uses include infiltrating an enemy base and defending the flag in CTF. It is also a very good ambush weapon, as it does a lot of damage in a short amount of time.
